MS Dhoni captained India in a Test for the first time the year that The Dark Knight was made. His journey in that format has been a real rollercoaster in the half dozen years since and he's lived Aaron Eckhart's most famous line from that film. He's led India most often, won most often and the team have hit #1 in the rankings under his stewardship. As a keeper batsman, his record is the best amongst all Indian wicketkeepers and not too shabby on the all time list for those who have kept in more than 75 matches. Yet, he will equally (and depending on who you ask, solely), be remembered for leading a team that has repeatedly gotten decimated outside Asia. Across England, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and the West Indies the ledger reads a pitiful 4-15 (and 7 draws). Like Bruce Wayne's alter ego though, Dhoni just carries on. He never points out the fact that he's led the team to series wins in New Zealand (only one of two Indian captains to do so) and ...